Ich mache mich mit meiner Familie auf den Weg zur Sicherheitskontrolle. Nun ist der Moment gekommen. Ich habe mich Monate lang auf diesen Moment vorbereitet. Habe einen TEFL gemacht, nach Jobs gesucht, alle möglichen Dokumente zusammengestellt, um dann letztendlich meine… read more
kids – do I want kids? why do people want children?
“Do I want kids? “ I ask myself sometimes. 2 Years ago I would have said: absolutely. But now I am not so sure anymore. For so many people, including my mom, their kids become their only hobby. They don’t… read more
attachments, family and friends
In the last year, I started to believe that attachments are not beneficial for one’s personal freedom, experiences, and development. My mom used to tell me that family is really important because family always sticks together. I never understood that…. read more